Kamis, 05 Juli 2012


Prominent among Asian political leaders, Sukarno was admired and praised to be the father of the Indonesian nation, who dedicated his life to unite his people and guide his country to freedom. As a statesman and first president of Indonesia, he attempted to consolidate his multi-cultural nation and envisioned a future for the Indonesian society to be freed from dependence on foreign capital and to be a community of classless and happy Indonesians.
Fighting for independence against the Dutch, he became a true national figure of Indonesia who devoted himself to political agitation. His five principles: nationalism, internationalism, democracy, social prosperity, and belief in a single god, still remain the official aims of Indonesia.
The Mayer Mint–Germany issued the Sukarno Commemorative Coin in the Father of Nation series, to remind us of the preservation of national unity and the restoration of a sense of national identity of this Father of the Indonesian nation. The coins are all officially endorsed by the Yayasan Gema Indonesia - a charity foundation run by the Sukarno Family, aiming to improve the lives of Indonesian street children.

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